We would like to make life easier for school staff and provide you with an elaborate diagnosis and support plan. The diagnosis sheet is a short version of the giftedness profile. Explanations of the individual aspects and how they can be described can be found under the icon “Traits and Challenges”.

This diagnosis sheet will allow you to assess in short time:

  • Which traits and resources does the gifted student have?
  • In which way is she (already) using and unfolding her potential?
  • Where does giftedness become a challenge, so that the student needs support?

Using this information, you can quickly develop ideas, as well as create and plan precise support measures.

You can fill out this sheet alone or together with colleagues, with or without the student and/or her legal guardian. The support plan is based on regular support plans and can be used for long-term guidance. The “Achievement” column  is meant for the evaluation of the specific measure and will be filled out in the follow-up meeting.

Since our diagnosis and support plan is completely new, we would be glad to receive your feedback and suggestions for improvement.

The plan as a download.

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