Free leaflets

If you want to share the information on this website, you can download two different leaflets here. They are available in German only.

leaflet 1 "Können macht Spaß" - contains information about this website
leaflet 2 "AlphaGeniusNetzwerk" - contains information about the network "AlphaGeniusNetzwerk"

You can also order printed versions with me. In order to receive printed leaflets, please send me a letter specifying which leaflet you are interested in and the amount you would like to receive. Please also add a stamped addressed envelope. Apart from the postage, there will be no additional costs for you.

The size of the leaflets is 10,5*21 cm. One leaflet weighs 4.56 grams.

Thank you for your interest in raising awareness for the needs of gifted children, teenagers and adults.


Leaflet Können-macht-Spaß

Leaflet AlphaGeniusNetzwerk

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