On this page, you will find helpful knowledge and practical advice on how to deal with giftedness in a solution-oriented way, and how highly gifted individuals can develop their potential.
The presented solutions are based on my practical experience as a member of a highly gifted family as well as my professional background as a coach, psychotherapist and mentor for the university network of highly gifted students (MHN).
Since many classical approaches often showed little effect, I have designed a special therapy and counselling concept for gifted people. This concept provides understanding of particular traits, which are likely to go hand in hand with high and maximum giftedness, and proposes realistic and applicable solutions.
The concepts for schools and kindergartens were extended and finalized in collaboration with two school teachers (Sönne Kienle and Katja Rischmann) and a kindergarten teacher (Stephanie Herzfeld).
I wish you lots of fun and success!
Frauke Niehues


Giftedness comes with a set of particular traits and challenges. In this section, you will find descriptions and explanations free of judgement and stereotypes. You will also find many field-proven ideas and solutions for common difficulties, which you can select and combine according to your individual needs.
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Find a profound and extensive therapy and counseling concept for your work with gifted individuals. This concept addresses the actual difficulties your gifted clients experience and provides solutions that can be implemented in everyday life. It combines scientific research with extensive practical experience.
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In working with gifted students, it is not unusual for demands, expectations and the actually available means to conflict. This section provides applicable concepts and solutions, which facilitate not only an easier lesson design, but also more fruitful parent-teacher talks as well as better experiences for – and with – the students.
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Gifted children face particular challenges. Yet, the training of educators covers this topic only insufficiently. In this section, you will find many concepts and ideas which will enable you to support the gifted child and her family in ways that will allow the child to unfold her personality and become well-equipped for her future path.
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